Yakusoku Kumite Practice
Maete Otoshi
Ido Maete Otoshi
Keri to Maete Otoshi
To the right Shotei_01
To the right Shotei_02
Koken uke to Koken uchi
Kick the Groin to Hijiuchi and Hizageri
Kick the Groin to Jyo dan Tuki
Uraken→Kick the groin→Hizageri
Kake taoshi
Chudan mawashigeri→Hijiuchi→Ashibarai
Hijiuchi→Shitazuki→Jyo dan tuki
Hijiuke to Chudan mawashigeri→Shotei uchi
To the right Gyakuzuki
To the left Tuki
To the left Tuki
Tuki and Kick -
To the left Jyo dan mawashigeri
Gedan・Jyo dan mawashigeri・Chudan hizageri
Pull the right leg and left Jyo dan mawashigeri
Restrain and kick
To the left Tuki
Left Jyo dan mawashigeri -
Jyo dan mawashigeri
6th All Japan Tournament
Reproducing the First round at 3rd All Japan Tournament
Reproducing the First round at 6th All Japan Tournament
Reproducing the Third round at 1st World Champinships
Free Kumite
Counter Attack to Gedan Mawashi Geri Explanation_01
Counter Attack to Gedan Mawashi Geri Explanation_02
Counter Attack to Gedan Mawashi Geri
Counter Attack to Chudan Mawashi Geri
Counter Attack to Jodan Mawashi Geri Explanation
Counter Attack to Jodan Mawashi Geri_01
Counter Attack to Jodan Mawashi Geri_02
Stop by Mae Geri
Stop by Mae Geri_to Mawashi geri, Mae geri, Ushiro geri, Ushiro Mawashigeri
To Migi Zuki, Gedan Mawashi geri
To Hidari Zuki, Gedan Mawashi geri
To Migi Zuki, Chudan Mawashi geri
To left and right Zuki, Chudan Mawashi geri
To right Zuki, Jodan Mawashi geri
Counter attack to Soto Uke_Tsuki, Keri
Counter attack to Gedan Barai_Tsuki, Keri
Counter attack to left Tsuki_Tsuki, Keri_01
Counter attack to left Tsuki_Tsuki, Keri_02
Counter attack to right Tsuki_Tsuki, Keri
Counter attack to Hiza Block_Hiza Geri
Tobi Hiza Geri
Tobi Mae Geri, Tobi Mawashi Geri
Tobi Ushiro Mawashi Geri
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